Most of the time it is easier to chat with the support team anyway so that is the preferable route for many people. Since the hours change depending on the time of year, holidays, and many other variables, calling Playstation is normally the easiest way to see if they are open at the time and day that you need assistance. The hours of the support can also vary depending on holidays and other situations so the best option is often to simply call them and see if you can get through. While Playstation’s call support is not available through the weekend, live chat and social media support are. Playstation social media (Twitter): Open 24/7 but can take 12-24 hours to get a response.Playstation live chat: Monday-Saturday 6 am-10 pm PST Sunday 8 am-8 pm PST.Playstation phone support: Monday-Friday 9 am-6 pm PST.PlayStation’s support is currently open during the following times: Well, in this article we will answer that question, and give you details on what platforms support is available on. Have you ever needed to contact PlayStation support but it’s a weekend? Maybe you are wondering whether or not PlayStation support is actually open on a weekend or what time their support is open.